Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Monstrous Storm

Although it is pouring I hope it will change to a cheerful day. But it got worse to make a monstrous tornado. The tornado was reaching out to suck me in. I sprint away but I tumble. Suddenly a tsunami whips up drags me in. I leap up. Just to realize it was a horrible nightmare.


As I look outside my half-broken window the ground is all damp.


I just gaze in horror……………………………


I step on the demolished steps of my house.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Nightmare

I snuggle in my bed while the trees hands scrape and tap on my window. The hail falls on the roof like tons of marbles. The wind howls trying to creep under my window then suddenly lighting flashes. I’m scared to death. I don’t want to run so I grab my flashlight. My bed swallows me up. I turn my flashlight on and I am facing my biggest nightmare. It has two brussel sprouts for eyes and a banana for a mouth. Now I run! I race out of my bed running in circles. Then I trip over my flashlight and my alarm clock rings. I say to my self it was just a nightmare. So I go down for breakfast and I see on my plate a face. It had two brussel sprouts for eyes and a banana for a mouth. I collapse! 

By Samuel



I’m all wrapped around piles of blankets. Trying to turn on the electric blanket but I can’t because the electricity is broken so I can’t open the light or watch Television.

             The storm has arrived!!!! 

Im looking around the haunted dark room. The branch is tapping on my window. I get my torch out and drag the light to the door. Grabbing the door knob and slowly turn it around. Shining the torch to the hall as the frosty air slides through the gap.

After a few minutes later I hop in my warm bed. The bed swallows me under the blankets. Moving around like a butterfly trying to get unstuck. Dying at thirst but I can’t be bothered going on a long creepy journey to the kitchen and back. Im bored and frozen at the same time. “Ok” I say to  myself, I will get my torch and go to the kitchen..... 

Monday, May 17, 2010

World Moon Day

World Moon day is a celebration for the first NASA moon base.

The basic structures have been made but we plan to include all the next features.

Food Processor: turns moon dust into food,

Moon Rover: takes photos and samples of the moon and has vacuums to suck up moon dust,

Moon Rover Docking Bays: to house the moon rovers,

Transport shuttle: to Transport people from earth to the moon,

Transport shuttle docking bays: to house the Transport shuttles.

On earth we celebrate by eating “Space Sticks” and “Alien Food” as well as putting up pinnate and model space men. in some countries men and women dance with masks and costumes on but the best is when the USAF(US Air Force) goes over and lunchers fire works from their planes while going at mach 3.  


I jump into the icy water and think I feel icicles forming on my body; I can’t breathe.  I get out as fast as I can; the water is freezing! I submerge slowly this time, “Come On,” our instructor shouts, I shoot through the water like a bullet as I struggle to get to the other side. I jump out of the water and wait for the others to get on to the jagged rocks and then I walk cautiously to a smooth slab of rock and jump in again. I go the long way because I think it is going to be fun, I am wrong. A tidal wave of warmth washes over me and as I get out for the final time. I hear myself sigh with relief.

New introduced Moon Rover

The new advanced Moon rover is programmed to search Moon and destroys the opposing forces. It is also programmed to protect the moon base.


It has mini prototype rockets to scoop up rocks on Moon. It has a satellite to find out the coordinates of the prototype rockets.


At the front it has a chain gun and a coordinate finder to terminate targets on the Moon.

At the back it has a storage area to store rocks, weapons and finds when an astronaut is controlling it.


It has jet boosters on the side to power up the Moon rover. It also has satellite-tracking panels to insure that its position is known all the time. It has two solar-powered bright light so it can travel in the dark.


 The windscreen is made out of unbreakable glass with night vision and inferred. It has two sets of double chunky tyres.


It now has a steel tray at the front to load up finds and other storage when the storage at the back is full. It also has a radio satellite to send messages from Earth control and moon control to our moon rover and vice versa. It basically means that Earth can send messages to the moon base and the moon base to the Earth.


In an emergency air intakes on the side suck in air from the moon and circulates oxygen and moon air that gets rid of carbon dioxide. On the radio cell there are oxygen producers. If there is too much air in the cabin emergency valves at the back open out and let the air rush out.   

The Caribbean

I feel a subtropical breeze on my face, I look around and see a ship with black sails moored in a bay. A group of men with ripped clothes and sheaths strapped to their belts are digging in the soft golden sand. I look at my clothes, a puffy white shirt and leather jerkin, black pants and belt. I pull out the sword, it has a weird curved shape, Suddenly I realize where I am.